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vrijdag, augustus 01, 2008

James Nachtwey biedt stageplekken aan

James Nachtwey’s Studio seeks experienced intern/s. Minimum commitment is three months, three days a week. Internship is unpaid with the possibility of a paid position in time. Intern will work with James Nachtwey and daily with Michael Hicks (Studio Management) and Jonathan Auch (Exhibition Printer) to produce exhibitions, print work and manage studio tasks.

Skill Requirements:
-Photoshop CS3 Skills; B/W and Color images, film and digital. Must be proficient working in adjustment layers, spotting, selections and layer masks.
-Knowledge of Epson printers along with ICC profile management.
-Understanding of film scanning preferably with Imacon scanners.
-Experience with Adobe Lightroom and Apple Aperture a plus.

Personal Requirements:
-Must be able to work a MINIMUM of three days per week and have flexibility when extra is required.
-Must work well under pressure, be self-driven, committed, and be able to follow directions. Must have a good attitude and willingness to help out is expected.
-Daily work flow can range from assisting with printing/toning to studio managerial tasks.

Please, qualified applicants only! We are a small operation with an enormous work-load. Interested applicants can send their resume to jnachtweystudio@gmail.com with the subject heading: “James Nachtwey Studio Internship” attention Mike or Jonathan. All emails without the correct subject heading will be deleted. All emails without a resume will be deleted.

(Een gekwalificeerde werkkracht zoeken en toch geen cent betalen? James Nachtwey kan toch wel een betaalde assistent in dienst nemen, zou je denken...)

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